Geekbench 3 app for iOS is free for a limited time

Geekbench 3 is a well known benchmark test that you've seen us mention many times before. Geekbench 3 will help benchmark the CPU and GPU on your handset, among other components. If you're an iPhone user, Geekbench will reveal information about your device that Apple usually is mum about, including the clock speed of the chipset, and the number of cores it sports.
This year, with some believing that there is a big difference in performance between the A9 chipsets produced by Samsung and the ones rolling off of TSMC's assembly line, Geekbench 3 was employed by Apple iPhone 6s and Apple iPhone 6s Plus users to determine which chip was powering their phone. If you run the app and look up System Information, you will see a code number which reveals if your phone has a Samsung (N66AP or N71AP) A9 or a TSMC (N66mAP or N71mAP) A9 under the hood of your handset.
If you're interested in benchmarking your iPhone using Geekbench 3, now is the perfect time to install the app on your phone. For a limited time only, Geekbench 3 is free for iOS devices. The usual price is 99 cents. Since we don't know how long this deal will last, if you do own an iPhone or iPad, we'd take advantage of it now.
source: Geekbench3 (iOS|Android) via RedmondPie
If you're interested in benchmarking your iPhone using Geekbench 3, now is the perfect time to install the app on your phone. For a limited time only, Geekbench 3 is free for iOS devices. The usual price is 99 cents. Since we don't know how long this deal will last, if you do own an iPhone or iPad, we'd take advantage of it now.
source: Geekbench3 (iOS|Android) via RedmondPie
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