Game review: Scribblenauts Unlimited is about a cutesy wonderland in which words become objects

Developer: 5th Cell / Warner Bros | Download: Android, iOS |
Category: Games | Price: $4.99 |
As the game's bread & butter, the object spawn system is complete to the point of us experiencing genuine marvel at the freedom of spawning seemingly everything we could come up with, and watching it behave as expected. Of course, that's also the point where Scribblenauts Unlimited becomes a tad limited, for attempts to materialize vulgar, coarse, and otherwise indecent words will be silently brushed off. Don't worry, there's still plenty of crazy, totally family-friendly fun to be had. Scribblenauts is the kind of game in which you can make a dog with wheels and simply
you can make a dog with wheels and simply roll with it
roll with it! This sort of comic wizardry happens by attaching adjectives to objects, giving them various extra capabilities and customization options.It isn't just the imaginative and inspired gameplay to love about Scribblenauts, though. The cartoony visuals are a perfect fit, giving the game an uplifting atmosphere of childlike enthusiasm. Speaking of which, young children are going to have a great time with Scribblenauts, while adult players may find the whole thing too cutesy and straightforward after spending some time immersed in the game's world. If that's the case, you should immediately take advantage of the game's object-spawning mechanics and force your imagination to come up with alternative solutions to the mundane challenges presented. But most of the times, you'll find it best to keep your ideas simple, which may put a limit on how much entertainment you'll be getting.
Overall, we think Scribblenauts Unlimited is a delightful game that plain works on mobile, and we recommend it to both children and inner children looking to creatively waste some spare time.
- Beautiful presentation
- Imaginative gameplay
- Plenty of content
- May be too easy
- Might be limited to some
- Could get predictable
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