GDR2 update for Windows Phone 8 fixes low-res profile picture on Me tile

Some Windows Phone 8 owners have been stricken with an affliction on their phone that makes the selfie used on the Me tile come out low-resolution. That is not the sort of thing that boosts self-esteem! We could have countless numbers of Windows Phone 8 users rushing to call their psychologist because of this one low-res image. Alright, we might be exaggerating a little, but if the camera on your own phone can't love you, which camera will?
The good news for Windows Phone 8 users is that the GDR2 update fixes the problem and returns your smiling face to the hi-res goodness that it deserves. Some models have the update installed out of the box, like the Nokia Lumia 1020 and the Nokia Lumia 925. Non-carrier branded Windows Phone 8 models have started to receive the update while those units purchased from a mobile operator should start getting it next month. For those with Nokia Lumia models, the update will be combined with the manufacturer's own Amber update.
Feel better now?
source: WPCentral
Feel better now?
source: WPCentral
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