Foxconn outsources iPhone 6 production... to robots!

Although Apple's main Chinese manufacturing partner, Foxconn, hired 100 000 or more new recruits to assemble the iPhone 6, the near future will see an army of 10 000 "Foxbots" joining the effort. Foxconn's assembly robots cost $20k to $25k each, and every unit is capable of completing an average of 30 000 devices per year. Thus, we're talking about a workforce of uncompensated, emotionless employees that makes 300 million products 24/7/365, which sounds like an utopia for every executive. Then again, the danger of a robotic riot shouldn't be underestimated. Hopefully, Foxconn has prepared enough laser cannons and EMP grenades.
Allegedly, the robots will be thrown straight in the wolf's mouth - the Apple production lines. As Macs, iPhones and iPads consistently strive for upping the ante in design and engineering, their assembly procedures become increasingly complicated each year, which puts a lot of strain on workers. If robots can be trained to perform the same precise movements, their presence could provide considerable relief, at the expense of diminishing human workplaces. However, the end products must to stand up to Apple's notably strict quality standards. It will be interesting to see how this pans out.
via AppleInsider
Foxconn's robotization efforts go far as back as 2011. Back then, the company said it had 10 000 units in operation, and planned to amass a force of one million by 2014. Judging by the high number of recent human hires, either something went awry along the way, or Foxconn embarked on extensive, prolonged testing. Or both.
via AppleInsider
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