For $56, you can own a baseball cap that uses solar power to charge your phone

So there you are walking down the street, face down as you stare at your handset. All of a sudden, you realize that the battery on your phone is about to call it quits. Luckily for you, the solution is right there on your head. A start up company called SolSol (Sol is Sun in Spanish) is producing a baseball cap that contains solar panels. You can use the cap to charge any device that has a USB port.
The solar panels can be found built into the brim of the hat, and while having a cable drop from a hat to a device placed inside a pants pocket might not be a look that many want to show off, there are some people who would do anything for just a drop of electricity to keep their phone running for just a little longer. Under ideal conditions, the Solar Hat refuels your devices at a current of 200mAh, which is only about a fifth of what a stock iPhone charger delivers, but it is better than nothing, we suppose. The company is working to improve that rate.
source: SolSol via Engadget
The price of the Poweraid SolSol Solar Hat is $56. The hat will not yet work with iOS 10, although it will charge devices running older versions of Apple's mobile OS. It also charges Android handsets, tablets, Speakers, Go Pro cameras, headphones and more. One size fits all. If you're interested, visit the SolSol website by clicking on the sourcelink.
source: SolSol via Engadget
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