Florida State Senator seeks state-wide ban on texting and driving

"It's relevant, it's important, and as sure as we're standing here it's going to save lives. Like alcohol and driving, texting and driving doesn't mix."-Scott Israel, Broward Sheriff
During the demonstration that took place on Wednesday, Deputy Ian Hunt drove a Chevy Suburban at 35 miles an hour, trying to change lanes while texting. The result was some erratic driving that led Hunt to knock down half a dozen traffic cones and nearly flip over the Suburban. According to the Broward College Institute of Public Safety's driving instructor Wayne Boulier, texting and driving makes you drive blind and lose seconds in reaction time. "What usually happens is you overcompensate, over-steer or under-steer," said Boulier. Students using a simulator drove off the road or crashed while texting.
While Senator Sachs says that while it will take some time to educate people about text-free driving, it will eventually happen.
source: SunSentinel

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