Flappy Bird resurrected on the Pebble smart-watch

Yet another Flappy Bird headline hasgraced today's news feed. Owners of the Pebble smart-watch can nowsuffer enjoy a perfectly fine port of the fabledgame, courtesy of developer Stuart Ha. The Pebble-yversion is called Tiny Bird, and it seems to be doing an okay job atscaling down the original game to fit the smart-watch, which has a144x168 monochrome LCD display with no touch-capabilities.
Thankfully, Pebble'slimitations are of no concern to Flappy Bird's simplegameplay. To play, all you have to do is press the smart-watch'sUp-button to make the bird flap its tiny wings. However, the watch'shardware buttons have a deep travel to them, and having to repeatedlyand quickly press them could become another obstacle in the thanklesstask of mastering Flappy Bird.
But, believe it or not, Tiny Bird isalready at the top of Pebble's app store...which confirms everyone'ssuspicions that Dong Nguyen's creation is, indeed, enchanted withmystical dark magic that makes it conquer every digital marketplaceit flaps upon; and the bird is, arguably, the spawn of Satan.
source: Redditvia RedmondPie
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