Faith in humanity – restored. Game company fulfills a Make-a-Wish kid request

There's this kid - Wade Sharp. He has a rare disease, called Osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease. Even a slight poke can break Wade's bones. You've guessed it right – the kid is not the most active person in the PE classes. Instead, Wade has turned to the world of video games adventuring.
There's this company - Robot Entertainment. You might know them for their iOS and Android game, Hero Academy. Plano, Texas is where they reside.
There's this foundation - Make-a-Wish. A non-profit American foundation, which fulfills wishes, as the name implies. Kids' wishes. Kids in medical conditions with not as much experience as they would like to have. Strength, joy and most importantly hope is given to those in need.
There's this busy world - everyone's in a hurry and no one has the time to stop and look around. Technologies are improving even as we speak, phones ring, apps are updated... It's nice sometimes to turn off our phones and tablets and cast about how to improve the world we live in.
source: IGN
There's this foundation - Make-a-Wish. A non-profit American foundation, which fulfills wishes, as the name implies. Kids' wishes. Kids in medical conditions with not as much experience as they would like to have. Strength, joy and most importantly hope is given to those in need.
There's this situation - Robot Entertainment were reached by the Make-a-Wish Foundation, regarding Wade's wish to be impersonated in a video game. You have to give it to the developers for flying Wade and all his family to their headquarters, such warmhearted dudes, giving the kid the time of his life. Robot created a model of Wade, named him Wade the Super-Master! and will be importing him in their next, unannounced game. Back story was made by the child, sounds were polished with his supervising, colors were chosen by him. On top of that, our fragile protagonist left the studio with bunch of T-Shirts, games, a giant framed print of his own in-game character and a small statue from the cool guys at Shapeways.
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