Facebook source of Android virus

We earlier told you about a bug that is spreading throughout the Android community which allows hackers to take control of an Android phone without the user's knowledge. Now, the Sophos security website is tracing the start of a similar problem all the way back to Facebook. The video below shows you how this is done using what seems like a simple invite and is similar to the MO we discussed in our earlier story. You get an invite to join the social network from a person you might think to be a trusted sender. You click on the link and your phone is infected with your secrets compromised. Your calls can be spied on and the hacker could grab any special password or security number off your Android phone. But unlike the tone of the video, which makes it seem as though Android users have no choice in this matter, the truth is that can you easily prevent yourself from becoming a victim.
The first thing is, use common sense. Who clicks on an invite sent to you from an unknown person from Facebook, or from anywhere for that matter? Although some do, just don't do it. Even if you are tempted by a letter that states that you have won the Tatooine National Lottery don't do it! Another good rule that can keep you out of trouble is not to sideload apps or other software. Want to install a cool new game that lets you manage real life players from the National Curling League? Don't do it. Keep the box that asks for permission to sideload apps unchecked so as not to give permission for the phone to load apps not from the Android Market. Most legit apps are in the Market and one that is not, Swype, comes pre-installed out of the box on mnay Android phones.
If you stay away from links from people you don't know, and never, never never sideload apps, you probably will be ok. Just realize that there is a threat out there and it is real. Use common sense so that you won't have to spend uncommon cents.
source: Sophos via AndroidCentral
The price you pay for using an open source system is the possible breach of security by those who would love to disrupt your life. But let's go back to the example from the video. The malware was called any_name.apk and it would make premium priced calls from your handset to certain numbers which would allow the hackers to bill you premium rates for the calls. The app used a class name, com.opera.install, that made it seem it had something to do with the Opera Browser. The software installs on your phone without your permission, making phone calls that drain your bank account. A few days later, another variant of the app was ready to do more dirty deeds.
If you stay away from links from people you don't know, and never, never never sideload apps, you probably will be ok. Just realize that there is a threat out there and it is real. Use common sense so that you won't have to spend uncommon cents.
source: Sophos via AndroidCentral

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