Facebook goes Paper on iOS February 3rd, read your News Feed in a dandy magazine layout

Facebook introduced Paper, an iOS appthat will make reading and sharing stories on the social networkresemble holding a finely designed paper magazine. Paper turns yourNews Feed and related content (such as photos, videos, and longerposts) into a personalized web-magazine. The app can be customizedto serve you articles on your topics of interest such as sports,food, science, design, and more. The stories are sourced fromrenowned publications and "emerging voices".
Does any of this sound too familiar?Yep, this is Flipboard all over again. However, if you are aFacebook-addict, Paper should serve you times better. Created withthe iPhone and the squeaky-clean look of iOS 7 in mind, Paper hasbeen designed for comfortable one-handed operation and minimumclutter. For example, viewing high-resolution photos from one edge tothe other works by tilting the device left and right. Articles"unfold" in the app and appear in fullscreenmode, bringing focus to them. The user also has the ability toprepare and post his own stories, with included preview that showsexactly how the publication will turn out.
Paper will show up in the App Store onFebruary 3rd. If you fancy the social network's latest venture intothe app world, be sure to visit the link below for a nicely producedvideo tour.
source: Facebook
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