Facebook and Messenger apps: 12 tips and tricks you should know

With a user data base in excess of 1.2 billion people, Facebook is by far the most popular social network in existence. Everyone and their grandma's cat are on it! Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the official Facebook client along with the SN's own Messenger are among the most downloaded Android and iOS apps. And still, we'd bet that not all users of these apps are familiar with their little-known tricks and peculiarities. That's why we did a little digging through their settings and menus. The result? A pick of 12 handy tips and tricks that every Facebook and Messenger user should know. Check them out below! Of course, you're free to share your own tips and tricks in the comments.
Note: the tips presented in this post have been tested on Facebook for Android, app version, and Messenger for Android, app version 3.2.3. Features described below may be unavailable in future versions of these apps, or in versions for other platforms.
Things that are NOT allowed: