Do you wish Japanese smartphones were more popular in the West? (poll results)

By and large, most of you folks would be jubilant were more Japanese makers to enter Western markets, with a lion's share of the votes standing at just shy of 80%. Woah! The remaining ~20% is split between those among us that wouldn't say no to more variety, but don't necessarily feel they'd be compelled to pick one (14.7%), and them people that simply don't see a reason for the likes of Sharp and Fujitsu to to bother (5.43%).
However you look at it, there's no denying that Japanese devices, exotic as they may be, tempt smartphone buyers even thousands of miles away. Them being exotic, precisely, is probably why that is — to this date, Japan's makers push out some pretty different phones from what's widely available here. Of course, whether this is simply a case of the majority of us looking at what they can't have through 'pink' glasses is unclear, but not unlikely.
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