Do you prefer typing on a horizontal keyboard?

There are two types of people when it comes to using a virtual keyboard — those who sometimes prefer to flip the phone in horizontal view and tap away on the stretched-out keys, and those who look at them in bewilderment and ask “How in the name of all kernels is that comfortable for you?”. Granted, back in the day when displays had a 3.5- to 4-inch diagonal, typing out lengthy messages in the cramped portrait orientation wasn't the best option. Now and then, we all had to flip the phone 90 degrees, like it or not.
But nowadays, when a 5-inch screen is the norm, it feels like most people can effortlessly fit both thumbs on a portrait-oriented keyboard. Moreover, larger displays make landscape keyboards even larger (well, longer for sure) and, on some UIs their layouts get shuffled, so your thumbs may feel a bit confused, trying to stretch around this new playing field. Still, there are those that will go for the horizontal view without thinking twice, probably undisrupted by the layout thanks to tons of practice. Which camp are you in?
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