Did you know that most 2-year old kids can use tablets and enjoy developmental benefits?

A study led by pediatrics researcher Deirdre Murray at the College Cork University in Ireland has concluded that by age 2, many kids can unlock and navigate touchscreens with ease. As the regular use of smartphones and tablets has become widespread, children as young as 1 have access to mobile computers, and their parents are using the opportunity to educate and entertain their beloved offspring with apps and games made specifically for toddlers or youngsters.
apps and games could foster communication skills in children with developmental disorders
Addressing the study, Dr. Larry Rosen of California State University D. Hills suggested the potential benefits of smartphone and tablet usage among children. As touchscreens have proven so accessible to toddlers, mobile devices might be helpful in assessing or aiding their development. Likewise, apps and games could help foster communication skills in non-verbal children or kids with certain cognitive (or developmental) disorders.But it's not just the youngsters who can benefit from smartphone and tablet ownership. Parenting is tough business, so being able to make a 2-year old ball of energy and joy sit down and concentrate its attention on whatever's happening on the touchscreen could provide a welcome moment of relief to many adults. However, Dr. Rosen insists that parents who let children use mobile devices must make sure that screen time is dosed in moderation and shouldn't take away from social activities. He also recommends that the apps they use are educational, involve parental play time, are not used for more than 30 minutes at a time.
Are your children spending their leisure time with a tablet? What model is it, and how is it going for you and them?
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