Dhanush SoC will let smart-watches' batteries last a full month

Former Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha'smega-startup, Ineda Systems, claims it has developed a processor forwearable devices that enables 30 days of battery life under standby.Called Dhanush (presumably after the performer of thatKolaveri Di song Hindi word for "longbow"), the platform is said to consume ten times lesspower than the re-purposed smartphone chipsets used in the currentcrop of smart-bands and watches.
Dhanush features Hierarchical Computing that allows applications and tasks to run at the right power optimized performance and memory footprint and has an always-on sensor hub optimized for wearable devices. It will come in four versions,ranging between Advanced, Optima, Micro and Nano. Each is designed for specific applications and product segments. Each of these products will aim to provide 30 day always-on battery life, up to ten times less power consumption compared to the current generation of application processors, and be available at consumer price points.
Prominent vendors, including Samsung,Qualcomm, and Imagination Technologies have already poured in acollective $30 million inside the promising technology. In addition,Young Sohn, chief strategy director at Samsung, has a spot in itsboard of directors. Customer trials for the platform are alreadyhappening, while products based on it could be announced in the nextsix months.

source: Ineda Systems via Re/code
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