They say that how much money you make isn't as important as how you part with it. Even if you're lucky enough to win the Mega Millions, spending cash carelessly – on gold-plating your toenails, on weekly trips to Venice for coffee, on Apple Watch Editions for your pet puppy – will certainly bring you back to every-day normal guy status before you know it. Or, as master Yoda would have advised: what you earn spend wisely, you should.
So, how do you do that? Shopping for the things you need first and for the things you want second brings one a step closer to being a responsible adult. Then comes the part where you must find the best deal on whatever it is that you want to get. Luckily, we have apps for that. Few are the things you can't find on Amazon, eBay, Walmart, or Best Buy, all of which have Android and iOS apps for your convenience. But we suppose you're familiar with these already. That's why we're presenting you with a list of shopping apps and deal hunters that you might not have tried yet. Check them out!
Things that are NOT allowed: