Check out our super awesome smartphone camera comparison tool!

As loyal readers surely know, here at PhoneArena we deliver much more than just the latest smartphone news. Our database of phone and tablet specs is one of the most extensive out there, and our reviews section contains in-depth information about any popular handset announced over the recent years. Then come the handy extras we offer on our page, including our Phone Finder and Visual Phone Size Comparison tool. And today, PhoneArena got even better.
We're happy to announce our Camera Comparison tool, which, as the name implies, is used to compare the cameras of two or more smartphones and/or tablets. But no, we aren't talking about simply listing the specs of two devices' cameras side by side. Instead, we present you with several images taken under the exact same conditions (with all camera settings set to automatic).

Preview of PhoneArena's camera comparison tool
So go ahead, give our new Camera Comparison tool a try and let us know what you think about it. Note that the database of smartphones and tablets available isn't as extensive as we wish it was, but we'll be adding more devices over time.
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