Charge your phone with the aid of man's best friend
You just have to love what man’s best friend is capable of doing other than providing a sense of security at home. One ingenious Switzerland inventor, Erik Schiegg, came up with one of the craziest gadgets in being green friendly when it comes to charging up his cell phone. With his love of dogs and mobile phones, he created a solar-powered charger that’s meticulously incorporated into a suit that his dog can wear. It uses a 2600 mA solar charger with different voltage outputs and built-in lamp on top of the dog suit – with the uncanny ability of charging his Android phone super-quick. So what’s the cost on having a green alternative to charging your phone? Well, the inventor goes on to say that the suit only cost him $60 to create – now that’s not too shabby when you consider that it benefits both him and the dog. The next thing you know it, we’ll start seeing other pets outfitted with unique charging suits.
via dvice
via dvice
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