Cerberus hits 100,000 users, is giving away subscriptions

Cerberus is one of the better security apps available for your Android device, and if you're not already a subscriber then now is your chance. In recognition of 100,000 users, the developers are giving away a free lifetime license (normally $4) to new users. The promotion runs though Feb. 29th, so hurry over to the Android Market and download the app to set up an account. Once you have one you can use this form to apply for the free license, which will be activated March 1. Since the app comes with a 7 day trial you can get up an running right away, no need to wait for your license.
If you're unfamiliar with the app Cerberus offers a number of security features for your Android phone. In addition to standard security features like tracking, wiping, sending a message to or locking your lost device, users can also take pictures (which are sent via email), grab screenshots, record audio and get your call and sms log along with some other nice features. All this is done via their website at cerberusapp.com, which is very simple to use. What are you waiting for, protect your device today!
Source: Cerberus
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