Get a free Nokia Lumia 820 with the purchase of a Windows 8 computer
Is 'free' 'free' when it requires you to sign a two-year contract? That is a question that you can answer with your buds when you discuss philosophy while watching
Shark Tank on television. For us, anytime a new smartphone is listed as 'free', our ears perk up. So what has us looking like Spock at the moment? CompUSA is offering a 'free'
Nokia Lumia 820 with the purchase of
any Windows 8 PC or laptop. But the reason we are qualifying the 'free' is that it still requires you to sign a two year contract with AT&T.
Suppose you want to buy the phone and not the computer. Could you buy the phone and get the PC for free?
No. But you can buy the Nokia Lumia 820 from CompUSA for $49.99 with that good ol' two-year contract. If you don't want to be tied up for a couple of years, you can purchase the phone off contract for $379.99.
Things that are NOT allowed: