Bubba endorses Samsung: Bill Clinton gets on stage at CES to talk tech and charity

When I was president, the average cell phone weighed 5 pounds. There was a total of 50 web sites back then... I did what I can do to keep the Internet free. I sent the first email out into space [to John Glenn].
I know that technology is really important to America and every developing country. We cannot afford to spend a trillion more dollars a year on healthcare. South Korea offers better data speed than what's given here in the US. IN fact, the US ranks 14th overall, though,we're a big country. This electronics show shows how much technology has changed and how much we have to look forward to.
The virtual world offers us the opportunity to come together and have these conversations. The only remaining bigotry we have is we don't want to be around people who don't agree with us. We've been sorting ourselves out by beliefs in a way that weakens our country.
As you can see, at the end things got serious, but Bill Clinton actually received the most applause of everything Samsung showed so far, and was escorted off the stage by the Samsung Electronics CEO himself; plus, we finally found explanation why we were told not to stand during part of Samsung's keynote, and why the hall was brimming with Secret Service types.
Things that are NOT allowed: