Bookmate for Android and iOS lets you read over 500,000 books, online and offline

Developer: Bookmate | Download: Android, iOS, Windows |
Category: Books | Price: Free |
Can't get enough books to read? There's an app for that – try Bookmate. Subscribing to it will yield you somewhere around 500,00 books in nine languages. You can browse new titles every day, spanning a range from classic literature to business books and everything in between. Books can also be saved offline for reading on the go without searching for a connection.
Bookmate isn't just an archive of old titles, though. New books across different genres, including fiction, poetry, and travel guides, are added every day. There are plenty of free books to sink your time into, but subscription grants you access to the entire library, so you'll always have something to read. Speaking of which, you can also personalize the reading experience by choosing different fonts, backgrounds, and adjusting the level of screen brightness.
The app has a clean and beautiful interface with plenty of graphics and a minimum of text and buttons. This lets you focus on browsing book titles by the cover images, much like you would do at a book store. Discovery is almost as pleasant at spending a few hours at an actual store, only it will happen in the comfort and solitude of wherever you happen to be with your smartphone or tablet. It's a great idea, pulled off quite nicely. Bookmate is up on Android, iOS and Windows.
Bookmate isn't just an archive of old titles, though. New books across different genres, including fiction, poetry, and travel guides, are added every day. There are plenty of free books to sink your time into, but subscription grants you access to the entire library, so you'll always have something to read. Speaking of which, you can also personalize the reading experience by choosing different fonts, backgrounds, and adjusting the level of screen brightness.
The app has a clean and beautiful interface with plenty of graphics and a minimum of text and buttons. This lets you focus on browsing book titles by the cover images, much like you would do at a book store. Discovery is almost as pleasant at spending a few hours at an actual store, only it will happen in the comfort and solitude of wherever you happen to be with your smartphone or tablet. It's a great idea, pulled off quite nicely. Bookmate is up on Android, iOS and Windows.
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