BlackBerry lets go 120 Waterloo employees from product and technology teams

Although BlackBerry fans are happy withhow CEO John Chen has been handling the company, the same probablycan't be said about the 120 Waterloo workers that lost their jobs atthe company this week. The employees were part of BB's productdevelopment and wireless technology teams. This is the first majorcut of workforce since BlackBerry laid off "several dozen"members of its US sales team last September. As BlackBerry signed apartnership with the "do-it-all" Chinese contract manufacturerFoxconn, it's safe to assume that it no longer needs to maintain thesedivisions locally.
BlackBerry's brief statement on thematter reads as follows:
"BlackBerry is working hard toreturn to profitability and we continue to optimize our resources tomeet our mandatory operational targets. As such, this week’semployee reductions impact BlackBerry’s U.S. and Canadianoperations with approximately 120 employees in the Waterloo, Ont.,area. These employees were part of BlackBerry’s product developmentand wireless technology team."
source: BerryReview
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