BlackBerry Protect helps get a mother her missing BlackBerry Z10, stuffed with baby pictures, back

BlackBerry Protect is built into the BlackBerry 10 OS (it is enabled by default on the BlackBerry Passport and BlackBerry Classic) and allows you to access your phone via a web site if it is lost or stolen. And once you connect with your lost or stolen 'Berry, you can lock it to make sure that your data doesn't end up in the wrong hands. You can also write a message on the screen that gives contact information to anyone who finds the missing BlackBerry. And if you are sure that you will never, ever see your beloved BlackBerry again, you can use the Protect website to wipe the phone.
On the way home, Teresa was upset. Let's hear how she felt in her own words. "The drive home had me thinking about all my pictures, and I started to get very upset. Months’ worth of pictures and videos of my little guy growing were potentially gone. It was heartbreaking." Her husband immediately signed on to the BlackBerry Protect website and put a message on the missing phone's screen, leaving a contact number in case it was found.
Sure, since her husband works at BlackBerry, Teresa could have simply had him bring home a new phone. But she was worried about the baby pictures that could have been lost forever.
"All I can say is: Thank goodness for BlackBerry Protect! I know a lot of people who have lost their phone, and they lose all their pictures and everything with it and then end up just buying a new phone. I’m so thankful I didn’t have to do that."-Teresa Schito, BlackBerry Z10 owner
You can grab more information about BlackBerry Protect by clicking on the sourcelink.

BlackBerry Protect is a lifesaver if your 'Berry is lost or stolen
source: BlackBerry (1), (2)
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