Best Buy gets off the celebrity gravy train for Super Bowl ads, to use inventors in a tribute to Steve Jobs

Best Buy is allegedly making a U-turn in its Super Bowl ads strategy. Instead of using cheesy celebs like the Biebster last year, the electronics retail giant will focus on innovators, inspired by the numerous tributes to Steve Jobs that have been flooding the media ever since Apple's CEO passed away.
Reportedly Best Buy has teamed up with Kevin Systrom, the developer behind Instagram, and Philippe Kahn, who was one of the first camera phone inventors.
The strategy behind this new shift in marketing is to show people that nobody is more knowledgeable about electronics than Best Buy's sales staff. Given that the chain is between the rock and the hard place with mass retailers undercutting prices on one hand, and online behemoths like Amazon flourishing, service is about the last bastion of hope for Best Buy to stand out.
“There will be a moment in time when every product we sell is connected to a network somehow. We have to make bigger visible leaps in our customer service,” says Mike Vitelli, an executive VP for Best Buy.
source: Bloomberg
The strategy behind this new shift in marketing is to show people that nobody is more knowledgeable about electronics than Best Buy's sales staff. Given that the chain is between the rock and the hard place with mass retailers undercutting prices on one hand, and online behemoths like Amazon flourishing, service is about the last bastion of hope for Best Buy to stand out.
The chain has allegedly teamed up with UK's Carphone Warehouse to exchange strategies on how to offer connected devices together, and sell additional services and accessories to smartphone buyers.
“There will be a moment in time when every product we sell is connected to a network somehow. We have to make bigger visible leaps in our customer service,” says Mike Vitelli, an executive VP for Best Buy.
source: Bloomberg
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