Barnes & Noble readying a new Nook for spring launch

Barnes & Noble released the $250 Nook Tablet back in November last year, and it was among the cheapest 7-inch tablets along with the Kindle Fire. But B&N is not stopping there - the company is readying its fifth Nook device for launch this spring, a NY Times article unveiled the secret over the weekend.
"At its labs in Silicon Valley last week, engineers were putting final touches on their fifth e-reading device, a product that executives said would be released sometime this spring," the report said.
Scant on details? Sadly, there is nothing else to explain what the next Nook will look like and whether it would be a full-blown tablet or just a regular e-book reading device.
What’s interesting, though, is that the report details B&N’s market share on the ebook market which now stands at around 27%. Amazon dominates the space with a share of not less than 60%.
The report also paints a rosy picture about the development environment over at B&N, so while we wait for the details, check it out and let us know your suggestion about what the future device could be below:
In one room, a virtual wallpaper of Nook color devices hangs in rows neat as a checkerboard. A common area holds a foosball table and a cooler of VitaminWater. Some of the walls are made of silver-colored mesh. Some of the cubicles are lime green.
But there are also reminders of the old Barnes & Noble. Over here is a basket of actual books, including "Travels With Charley" and "The Little Prince." Over there on a wall are enormous vintage covers of books like "Of Mice and Men" and "The Great Gatsby."
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