Bad ideas: lady caught smuggling iPhones into China inside beer bottles

When it comes to making a quick, tax-free buck, people resort to doing all kinds of crazy things to smuggle illegal items into various countries around the world. In China, there is a large import tax on goods such as iPhones, so one could make a significant profit by smuggling a load of iPhones into the country undetected.
An older lady was offered a sum of money to be the mule for 216 iPhones crossing into Shenzen, China. Unfortunately for her, the plan wasn’t exactly the best. The lot, which was comprised of both the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S models, was inserted into empty beer bottles that had been cut open, and then resealed with tape. As you can see in the video, they were bundled in groups of three, wrapped in a black bag, and put into dark bottles.
source: OBP
While this team of smugglers gets an A+ for ingenuity, it doesn’t seem like the best idea considering alcohol is one of those things that usually catches customs’ eye, especially 72+ bottles of beer.

source: OBP
Things that are NOT allowed: