Ad watchdog group tells T-Mobile to stop calling its 4G LTE network faster than Verizon's

Both T-Mobile and Verizon have made claims in their ads that their 4G LTE network is the fastest in the U.S. Both can't be right. So when T-Mobile said in an advertisement last year that its LTE pipeline was faster than Verizon's LTE network, Big Red filed a complaint with the National Advertising Division. Part of the Better Business Bureau, the NAD reviews national ads for truthfulness. After reviewing the situation, the NAD ruled that T-Mobile should stop claiming that it has the fastest 4G LTE network.
The NAD researched two statements made by T-Mobile. One was the claim that T-Mobile's 4G LTE network is the fastest, and the second was T-Mobile's comment that it covers 99.7% of the Americans covered by Verizon. The NAD ruled against T-Mobile as far as the speed claims is concerned, agreeing with Verizon that those speed tests have a bias in favor of T-Mobile. As a result, the agency recommended that T-Mobile no longer make claims about having the fastest 4G LTE network on its advertising. The NAD also suggested that T-Mobile stop claiming that its 4G LTE network is newer than Verizon's 4G LTE pipeline, and that Verizon's network is older than T-Mobile's network. The nation's third largest carrier had dropped the ads with the speed claims once Verizon filed with the NAD.
As for the question about coverage, the NAD ruled that T-Mobile did have a reasonable claim about covering 99.7% of the Americans covered by Verizon. But T-Mobile did admit that it does not offer 99.7% of the geographic coverage offered by Verizon, and the NAD recommended that T-Mobile refrain from using maps and other imagery that makes it appear as though the coverage figures are based on geography rather than population count.
"Verizon customers, who were experiencing deprioritization for the first time during the time period for which T-Mobile provided crowdsourced data, may have monitored their speeds more closely than customers of T-Mobile who had past experience with data deprioritization. Following its review, NAD concluded that the Ookla and Open Signal Speed test results in the month after Verizon introduced unlimited data plans might have had a bias in favor of T-Mobile and as a result did not support a comparative claim that T-Mobile has the fastest 4G LTE network. NAD recommended T-Mobile discontinue claims that it has the fastest LTE network. NAD also recommended that T-Mobile discontinue claims its LTE network is ‘newer’ than Verizon’s and that Verizon’s LTE network is 'older.'"-National Advertising Division
The only thing that we can say with any degree of certainty is that this is one battle that is far from being over.
source: ASRC via FierceWireless
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