Awesome retro wallpapers in ultra high-res, perfect for your Pixel XL, LG V20, Galaxy S7/S7 Edge, HTC 10 and others

This is a broad category, so we will be including images of vintage cars, old cameras, retro video game consoles, music paraphernalia, and a lot more in between. In fact, we've decided to not strictly limit our choices based on the age of the subject depicted, but opted instead to broaden our selection to also include images that are simply vintage styled. This approach, we think, is very appropriate when picking images to use as backgrounds on modern devices, as often times old photos — or illustrations and scans of other mediums for that matter — can clash with the overall aesthetic of contemporary user interfaces. This is not the case at all times, of course, but you get the point.
With that said, here is this week's selection of awesome wallpapers, all of them presented in ultra high resolutions (as usual), and perfect for all screen orientations and home- and-lock-screen setups!
- As usual, you can browse through and preview all the background in the gallery bellow and download the full-sized images here.
Things that are NOT allowed: