Audyssey to showcase new 60 degree audio technology for smartphones at MWC 2014
Audyssey is now hoping to bring headphone audio playback to a new level by introducing their new Audyssey 60° technology. It is designed to give a more accurate recreation of the original recording to deliver a proper blendof acoustical and psychoacoustical cues to both ears simultaneously. Thisresults in spatially expanded sound perception, creating the impression of amuch wider soundstage.
source: Audyssey

Audyssey To Unveil Breakthrough HeadphoneTechnology
at 2014 Mobile World Congress
Audyssey60° Advances the Headphone Listening Experience
Barcelona,SPAIN – (February 18, 2014) – Audyssey, the leader in high-qualityaudio rendering, today announced Audyssey 60°. This new technology upgrades theheadphone listening experience by bringing depth and spatial awareness that –until now – had been unavailable in mobile audio.
“With headphones it’s impossible to reproduce the soundstageexperience of the original recording because headphones can’t deliver sound toboth ears,” said Chris Kyriakakis, Audyssey’s founder and CTO. “As a result, significantportions of the required acoustical and psychoacoustical cues are missing. WithAudyssey 60°, we restore this missing information to deliver a natural, moreprecise listening experience.”
Music and movies are mixed in acoustically calibrated listeningspaces – rooms with two or more speakers placed in precise locations thatdeliver sound to both ears to create a detailed soundstage. To render this soundstageover headphones, previous methods have attempted to feed the signal from eachside to the opposite ear with little success. Audyssey 60° takes a differentapproach, developing an immersive listening experience by sending the proper blendof acoustical and psychoacoustical cues to both ears simultaneously. Thisresults in spatially expanded sound perception, creating the impression of amuch wider soundstage.
Audyssey will be at the Mobile World Congress next week inBarcelona, Spain, meeting with phone and tablet manufacturers that have alreadyexpressed strong interest in delivering HD audio to their customers. Audyssey60° is a software-based solution that’s quickly and easily implemented in anymobile device, mobile application or personal computer.
For more information or to schedule a time to meet with Audysseyat Mobile World Congress, send an email to
About Audyssey
Establishedin 2002, Audyssey is the industry leader in research-based audio technologiesthat correct acoustical problems to improve the sound quality of any device orlistening environment. The company’s technologies are integrated into hometheater products, automobiles, TVs, mobile phones and movie theaters fromindustry-leading manufacturers. For more information, visit
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