Atlantic City and Las Vegas casinos ban Google Glass

Casinos in Las Vegas and Atlantic City are concerned about gamblers using Google Glass to cheat in card games and have banned the wearing of the device in the casino area. Certainly there could be programs written to help Blackjack players count cards using Google Glass. While counting cards is certainly frowned upon by casino big wigs, it is not illegal unless a device is used to help the gambler keep track of the deck. With that in mind, using Glass at the Blackjack table could be against the law. It is all moot anyway since the casinos are banning the device.
Las Vegas casinos like those owned by Caesar's Entertainment and MGM Resorts, have informed security to ask Google Glass wearing customers to remove the device if they suspect that it is being used to secretly take videos or still pictures. In New Jersey, it is more than just the individual casinos that are concerned with the device. The New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement has sent out a notice ordering the ban of Google Glass inside the 12 casinos located in Atlantic City.
source: NYPost
While not a casino, earlier this year the 5 Point Cafe in Seattle also banned Google Glass to protect the identities of patrons that might be photographed or filmed at the bar.
source: NYPost
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