Apple unveils top iPhone, iPad apps of 2010

Curious what 'appened in 2010? Apple ishere to give you an idea with its yearly Rewind 2010 statistics formost popular apps of the year for the iPhone, iPod touch andthe iPad. The list of top apps for 2010 is broken down into the topfree, top paid and top grossing categories for iPhone and iPod touch,and the same three sections for the iPad. But don't expect anyshocking news – Facebook was the top free iPhone app, while AngryBirds dominated the paid iPhone apps. Maybe the biggest surprise wasthat At Bat 2010 came in first as the top grossingapplication for Apple's iPhone. The baseball fans dished out hefty$15 during the baseball season to stay in the know about thegame on their iPhones or iPod touches.
On the iPad front things lookeddifferent with iBooks winning the free apps, Pages topping the paidapps, and the trinity of productivity titles (Pages, Numbers,Keynote) by Apple occupying the best three in grossing apps.
Take a look at the full list below andlet us know if some of the apps you use deserve to be in the list!
Overall Top 10 Free iPhone Apps
- Angry Birds Lite
- Words With Friends Free
- Skype
- Tap Tap Revenge 3
- The Weather Channel®
- Paper Toss
- Bing
- Talking Tom Cat
Overall Top 10 Paid iPhone Apps
- Angry Birds
- Doodle Jump – BE WARNED: InsanelyAddictive!
- Skee-Ball
- Bejeweled 2 + Blitz
- Fruit Ninja
- Cut the Rope
- The Moron Test
- Plants vs. Zombies
- Pocket God
Overall Top 10 Grossing iPhone Apps
- At Bat 2010
- Angry Birds
- Call of Duty: Zombies
- Bejeweled 2 + Blitz
- FriendCaller 3 Pro
- Zombie Farm
- TomTom U.S.A.
- Plants vs. Zombies
- Doodle Jump – BE WARNED: InsanelyAddictive!
Overall Top 10 Free iPad Apps
- iBooks
- Pandora Radio
- Netflix
- Google Mobile App
- Solitaire
- Movies by Flixster – with RottenTomatoes
- IMDb Movies & TV
- Kindle
- Google Earth
- Virtuoso Piano Free 2 HD
Overall Top 10 Paid iPad Apps
- Pages
- GoodReader for iPad
- Numbers
- Angry Birds HD
- Keynote
- Glee Karaoke
- WolframAlpha
- Pinball HD
- Friendly for Facebook
- Star Walk for iPad
Overall Top 10 Grossing iPad Apps
- Pages
- Numbers
- Keynote
- LogMeIn Ignition
- SCRABBLE for iPad
- Documents To Go® Premium – OfficeSuite
- Angry Birds HD
- Real Racing HD
- Plants vs. Zombies HD
- Proloquo2Go
source: Apple iTunes
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