Apple starts shipping iPhone X pre-orders to Sprint customers


If you've been lucky enough to have your iPhone X pre-order go through, then you probably wonder if your device will reach to you on November 3, as Apple promised. Considering the Cupertino-based company, as well as some carriers have already moved the shipping date by 1 to 3 weeks, it's a valid question.

Apparently, Sprint has already started shipping the first iPhone X units to customers who placed their orders on October 27. It's the first carrier in the United States that is sending shipping notifications to its customers, so if you chose Sprint when pre-ordering the iPhone X, you might want to check your email.

The shipping notification should contain tracking information that you can follow by checking the UPS website (which hasn't been updated yet). All orders shipped over the weekend should arrive on November 3 and not earlier.

Apple has always prevented shipping companies to hold orders until the actual release date. Since the iPhone X has been confirmed to hit the shelves on November 3, then that's when your phone should arrive if you ordered one online.

source: 9to5mac

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