Apple shows off iPhone X Face ID and Portrait Lighting in a series of new ads


Apple has uploaded three new ads to its YouTube channel, and we have a feeling we're going to see them a lot during the upcoming holiday season. These short commercials promote two of the hottest features of the iPhone X - Face ID and the Portrait Lighting mode.

The first one, "Introducing Portrait Lighting", demonstrates how the mode allows the user to add studio-quality lighting effects to their shots without the need for a professional photographer. The other two which are dubbed "Opens with a Glance" and "Adapts to Your Face" highlight the new Face ID authentication system on the $1,000 flagship.

This trio supplements the initial batch of four iPhone X ads which Apple released about two weeks ago. All of them are less than a minute long, so it's likely that we'll see them on online media platforms rather than anything else. You can watch the three new ads in the slideshow below.

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