Apple redirects all PRODUCT (RED) proceeds to the Global Fund’s COVID‑19 Response

Fighting a pandemic is not an easy task. On the surface, we see people get sick and some even perish in the COVID-19 outbreak but there’s so much more to the matter and Apple knows this. When an outbreak happens healthcare systems all over the world are subjected to massive pressure. As a result, people with other serious conditions can’t get adequate help.
In order to help with the matter, today Apple announced on its website that all the proceeds from PRODUCT (RED) sales will go to the Global Fund’s COVID‑19 Response. By doing this Apple hopes to relieve some of the pressure on healthcare systems in developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
For 14 years, our partnership with (RED) has led to almost $250 million in donations to fund HIV/AIDS treatment programs. Now through June 30, Apple is working with (RED) to redirect 100 percent of eligible proceeds from (PRODUCT)RED purchases to the Global Fund’s COVID‑19 Response. This will provide critical support to health systems most threatened by the outbreak and, in turn, help preserve lifesaving HIV/AIDS programs in sub-Saharan Africa.
Redirecting funds in that direction may lead to thousands of lives saved. According to Apple, “A six-month disruption of antiretroviral therapy could lead to more than 500,000 additional deaths from AIDS-related illnesses in sub-Saharan Africa in 2020 and 2021.” The COVID-19 pandemic threatens to take even more lives indirectly, so kudos to Apple for acknowledging the fact and finetuning its program in cooperation with (RED).
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