Apple iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c: all you need to know

Apple iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c: all you need to know

After several months worth ofattention were paid as tribute towards the upcoming iPhone 5s andiPhone 5c, we finally saw Apple take the drapes off of its two newarrivals just a few days ago.

Now, depending on where you standin the whole Apple against the world nonsense, your take on the newiPhones will vary, sometimes wildly. Which is to say, that whilefacts are facts, both sides will have their own truth – there are those who arealready whispering doom, claimingApple has lost its mojo, while others blindly “see” the usualappeal and quality we've come to expect from Cupertino. If you fallinto either one of these two 'categories', it's probably unlikelythat the round-up below will affect your opinion much. But those ofyou who are willing to roll up their sleeves, get dirty, andgenuinely want to see the new iPhones for what they really are: you havecome to the right place.

Significantly better performance,courtesy of the new Apple-designed 64-bit A7 chip, camera improvements , anda Home key doubling up as a fingerprint scanner – those are themost notable hardware changes in the new, more evolved iPhone 5s.Looking at the iPhone 5c, we see a phone that is the harbinger of astrategy shift at Apple's HQ, though what Cupertino's exact thinkingbehind the polycarbonate near copy of the iPhone 5 was, remains to beseen. In terms of software, both devices are coming with iOS 7 out ofthe box, which marks an important step for Apple, a first since theconcept of iDevices popped into Steve Jobs mind – this is the firstreal revamp of the OS, and it brings along a load of new goodies.

iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c essentials: release date, price and specs

Apple's new iPhones brought about a host of changes in their wake, so we have hand-picked and summarized for you the most essential points to take home right below.

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Apple against the world: how do the new iPhones stack up?

The new iPhones are no exception to our rule that all smartphones need be judged in perspective. Those of you who are anxious to see how Cupertino's new boys stack up against the competition will have plenty to read, for we put the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c to the test.

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Let's go deep

Not everybody has the time to go real deep on new smartphones, but this has never stopped us from offering in-depth coverage of the main aspects of new tech. That is precisely what we have in store for you, should you rise to the challenge and task yourself with reading the small print.

Missed the show?

Those of you who weren't able/forgot to tune in for Apple's rather private announcement of the iPhones can check our liveblog coverage of the event, or simply check the video below.

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Last update: 12/09/2013

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