Apple employee in Cork, Ireland, tests positive for coronavirus

An Apple employee working in Cork, Ireland, has just tested positive for the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. This is the first known case of an Apple employee testing positive for the new virus.
The employee currently remains in self-quarantine and Apple is currently assessing the risk for the rest of the employees as low. The necessary precautions and actions have also been taken, Apple told CNBC:
“One of our employees in Cork has been confirmed to have Covid-19. We are closely coordinating with the local health authorities who feel the risk to others is low, and the individual remains in self-isolation. As a precaution, we have asked some of our team members to stay at home while we work with the Health and Safety Executive to assess the situation. We are continuing to regularly deep clean all our offices and stores and will take all necessary precautions in accordance with guidance from health authorities.”
Earlier today, Apple gave unlimited sick leave to retail employees who exhibit any coronavirus-like symptoms and imposed strict sanitary rules across its stores. Demo units are being disinfected on a regular basis and additional sanitation stations have been open in multiple store. Currently, no Apple Store has been closed in the US, but the company's stores in China are only open just 8 hours a day. Last week, many Apple employees were also urged to work from home if possible so as to minimize any possible risk of further infections.
The coronavirus outbreak might also force Apple to host its expected March 31 event behind closed doors, as well as delay the iPhone 9 and iPhone 12 series' market release. The chances of WWDC'20 being canceled altogether are also increasing by the minute. Google's I/O dev summit has already been canceled, and we expect Cupertino to take the same countermeasures against the COVID-19 outbreak across the US.
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