The Mark of the HomePod: The Internet's funniest jabs at Apple's furniture-staining smart speaker

Our favorite not Jony Ive was among the first to come front with a couple of excellent jabs, as usual:
It’s not like we tried to hide the fact that you need a white table to use HomePod. It’s right there on our website. RIGHT THERE.
— ᶰᵒᵗ Jony Ive (@JonyIveParody) February 14, 2018
Fixed the HomePod “white ring” situation.
— ᶰᵒᵗ Jony Ive (@JonyIveParody) February 14, 2018
Vinyl skin maker dbrand also weighed in:
So... HomePod edition skins, then?
— dbrand (@dbrand) February 15, 2018
How to stop your HomePod marking your fancy furniture
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) February 15, 2018
"If you’re concerned about this, we recommend placing your HomePod on a different surface."
Ya'll all just using it wrong.— LaughingQuoll (@LaughingQuoll) February 15, 2018
The 2018 winter Olympics in PyeongChang were also involved in the debacle:
Look, guys! It's the Olympic Rings! Made out of #HomePod ass drippings!
— Phil Nickinson (@mdrndad) February 14, 2018
Ok who set a HomePod on Cupertino
— Michael Steeber (@MichaelSteeber) February 14, 2018
Oh, that HomePod thing? Not a problem anymore.
— Mikah Sargent (@mikahsargent) February 14, 2018
Said one Twitter user:
Apple's next billion-dollar business. "HomePod Coasters."
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) February 14, 2018
And, of course, the meme wouldn't write itself if an Eastern-European crochet table runner isn't involved. Slav grandmas will be proud:
I guess that's the ultimate solution.
— Marcin Krzyzanowski (@krzyzanowskim) February 14, 2018
How many artisanal leather HomePod coasters just got launched on Kickstarter?
— Marco Arment (@marcoarment) February 14, 2018
Things that are NOT allowed: