Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks about iPhone prospects and the significance of iPad

Apple chief executive Tim Cook spoke at the Goldman Sachs Technology conference yesterday, and as always he had a few interesting thoughts to share about the industry, rivals and the unique position of Apple.
It didn’t go without a couple of zingers aimed at Android of course as Cook was quick to point out Apple is the only company revealing actual sales data for its devices.
But the Apple CEO also spoke about the opening in smartphones, the superstar team of Apple executive and Apple’s commitment to deliver only great products.
We’ve highlighted 5 key points from the presentation, so take a look.
On iOS vs Android
On the Apple team
On the Apple philosophy
On iPads
Hit the source link below to learn see Tim Cook speak about all those things in much greater detail.
source: Apple
It didn’t go without a couple of zingers aimed at Android of course as Cook was quick to point out Apple is the only company revealing actual sales data for its devices.
We’ve highlighted 5 key points from the presentation, so take a look.
On iOS vs Android
"I've no ideas what [the iPad] marketshare is as we're the only company who comes out with the actual number of products we sell, but when it comes to usage … on Black Friday the product there was the most online shopping done on was an iPad. It was twice as large as the total of every Android device …The data is very clear that customers use them a lot more….I'm not sure what people are doing with those other products."
On smartphones
"I see a market that's is incredible to be in, maybe one of the best markets of all time."
"This may surprise you, but iPhone is only available to maybe 50% of subscribers in the world. There's enormous opportunity."
"This may surprise you, but iPhone is only available to maybe 50% of subscribers in the world. There's enormous opportunity."
On the Apple team
"When I look around the executive table I see superstars. I see people that are at the very top of their game. I see people like Jony Ive, who I think has the best taste and is the best designer in the world. He's now bringing his talents to our interfaces that I'm excited about…. I see all these guys who are so focused on product and at the top of their game and it's a privilege to be part of that."
"The people I work with don’t view that there are limits."
"The people I work with don’t view that there are limits."
On the Apple philosophy
"Customers want a great experience. They want that 'aha moment when they use a product. Companies deliver specifications when they can't deliver the experience. Do you know the speed of an AX processor? You probably don't. What most people want is a great experience…
"I'm not going to comment on what we're going to do in the future as that releases the magic and I'm not going to do that."
"The only thing we'll never do is make a crappv product. We're going to make a great product. That's the only religion we have. We want to do great products…"
"I'm not going to comment on what we're going to do in the future as that releases the magic and I'm not going to do that."
"The only thing we'll never do is make a crappv product. We're going to make a great product. That's the only religion we have. We want to do great products…"
"Across last year there were more iPads sold than HP sold in PCs across their entire line-up. There has been a sea change here, and we're early in this game. …The industry is expected to triple in the next few years. That's more than the number of PCs sold in the world."
"I think this is going to be the mother of all markets."
"I think this is going to be the mother of all markets."
Hit the source link below to learn see Tim Cook speak about all those things in much greater detail.
source: Apple
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