Android users watch more porn than iOS users
A new report published today by Porn Hub, reveals that Android users continue to watch more porn than iOS users. As we've told you before, the porn site keeps track of an incredible range of statistics. For example, last year the site revealed that Windows Phone users looking at porn, take longer to reach their destination than users of other mobile operating systems.
Porn Hub's bean counters found that 45% of visits to the site came from a smartphone in 2014. 11% came from a tablet. That is a gain of 12 percentage points for, ahem, handsets. Tablets saw their share grow (stop giggling) by a whopping 20 percentage points. In the U.S., 56% of Porn Hub viewers watched on a smartphone which was up from 52% in 2013. Tablets were responsible for 12%, up from 10%. In India, 52% of Porn Hub viewers watched on a smartphone in 2014, up sharply from 39% in 2013.
Despite Android's top rank when it comes to Porn Hub use (something that Google probably won't use in its next ad), mobile Safari was the most employed browser (38.5%) followed by the stock Android browser (25.1%) and Chrome (23.5%). The latter browser had the largest year-over-year increase at 165.8%.
Porn Hub presented its stats this year in the form of an inforgraphic, which we broke down into smaller pieces to make it easier for you to digest.
source: PornHub via CNET
The country with the largest increase in mobile market share last year was Turkey, which saw its share of mobile Porn Hub views soar over six-fold in 2014. Indonesia saw a better than four-fold increase on mobile devices. With a percentage point gain of 10.9% last year, Android users led the way among mobile operating systems, accounting for 49.9% of Porn Hub "use." And while iOS was next with 40.2% of Porn Hub's mobile viewers, it seems that an interesting trend is developing. In 2014, Windows Phone owners saw their Porn Hub market share rise 52.3 percentage points. BlackBerry users appear to be too busy to view the site as their Porn Hub share declined by 47.6 percentage points last year. In 2014, BlackBerry users accounted for only 1.4% of Porn Hub's mobile views. We can only guess that they are using both hands to type on those luscious BlackBerry QWERTY keyboards.
source: PornHub via CNET
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