Android users no longer have to tax their brains when using two-factor authorization

Don't you hate receiving a text with a verification code for two-factor authorization that is just so long that you can't remember it? Something like 457843299XD853 doesn't exactly stay in your brain. And if you're not able to grab a pen and write the code down, you might have to rely on your memory. Now there are some apps that will autofill the code automatically, but there are many that don't. It's those latter apps that Google is addressing, according to XDA, with a new feature that will automatically fill in verification codes using Google's Autofill system.
First, let's backtrack for a second. Two-factor authorization requires you to have your phone nearby when securely logging into an app. When submitting your information, you will receive a text message with the aforementioned verification code. Enter the code into the app and open sesame. Google says that 2FA (the fancy shortcut name for two-factor authorization) blocks 100% of automated bots and 96% of bulk phishing attacks. Overall, it helps prevent 76% of targeted attacks from succeeding. In other words, 2FA is something that everyone should use.
There are things that app developers can do to take the verification code from text message to their apps, but it requires a certain text message format be sent to the user which might be a bit confusing. So if you want the protection afforded by 2FA but don't want to tax your brain, you can set up SMS verification autofill by following these directions. First, your phone must be running Google Play Services version 19.2.75. Go to Settings > Google > Verification autofill. Toggle that feature to "on." But, and it's a big but, you must first have your handset enabled for regular Autofill. To do that, go to Settings > System > Languages > Advanced > Auto-fill service.

SMS verification autofill is now available on Android phones
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