Android overcomes the iPad as the second favourite development platform, touted to be a leader in 2011

Android overcomes the iPad as the second favourite development platform, touted to be a leader in 2011
According to a new survey conducted by Millennial Media and DigiDay, titled "State of the Apps Industry", Android has surpassed the iPad as the second favourite platform for developers. As things stand in the app world right now, Google's mobile OS is second at 23%, while the iPad has a share of 21%. The iPhone is the device most embraced by developers – a healthy 30% of them are writing applications for the Apple handset, while RIM are fourth with 12%.

The times are changing, though, and publishers say that in 2011 only 8% of them will continue to create apps for Apple's iPhone. Google's ever-expanding Android OS is set to become the leader with a share of 28%, while the iPad will retain roughly the same portion of the developers' love. The survey indicates that the new Microsoft platform – Windows Phone 7 – will make a big difference on the market. Windows Phone 7 is set to have 20% of the developers' attention.

It's a good time to be a developer, because in their own words 31% of them expect revenue to increase by 100% or more, while another 34% say that they predict earnings to grow by at least 25%. Indeed, these are exciting times for everyone in the mobile industry.

source: AppleInsider

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