Android Phone Name Generator might be better at Android names than some phone makers

Look, we’re not complaining that Android phones don’t have inventive names. Some of them are pretty short and easy to remember. Others - not so. In either case, with so many of them out there, the Optimal-Galactic-Epic naming trend is starting to really show. And as those romantically named devices get their sequels the situation really just gets out of hand. Just take a look at the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus, Samsung Epic 4G Touch, T-Mobile myTouch 4G...
Now, imagine the future a couple of years ahead. Is it possible that we end up with something like:
Motorola Legend Optimus G1 E Prime,
Sony Ericsson Infuse Black 4G G1 Z,
Sony Ericsson Defy Epic II 4G+ S,
Motorola Rezound Vibrant V 3D G1.
The names are scarily realistic and hilarious. Hit the source link below to get your own selection of absurd Android titles that might one day become your smartphone.
source: Android Phone Name Generator
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