Android 4.4 KitKat update: release date, features and rumors

Last update: 10/31/2013 (later slides are newer)
You may not know this, but Android4.4 KitKat has been on our radar for a looong time.Of course, back then we referred to it as Android 5.0 Key Lime Pieand we were initially an audience to what turned out to be some wildlyinaccurate speculation, claiming that it'll hit the industry as earlyas February/March. Surely enough, as the months went by, the(speculated) release date for the next iteration of the world's mostpopular mobile OS proved to be a moving target – it was no longerFebruary or March, it was June next, then sometime during the summer,until, finally, we now have a much more likely October release. Arelease that coincides with the rumored unveiling of another Googleproduct – the much anticipated Nexus 5.
Ah, the Nexus5. We've been curating the web for everysplit and reasonable-sounding detail on the upcoming Google/LG devicethat we could get our hands on, and despite this particular piece beingabout the upcoming Android 4.4. KitKat update, the two are linkedfrom conception, or so it appears. With that in mind, it shouldn'tsurprise you that most of our current preliminary intel on the nextAndroid is seen posing out of the screen of the Nexus 5.
So, without anyfurther ado, let's dive right into it!
Things that are NOT allowed: