Analysts finally agree with us: NFC's success lays outside of mobile payments

We've said it for a while, but there are finally analysts saying it, so obviously that means it's time for the tech world to pay attention: NFC's success lays outside of mobile payments. Don't get us wrong, mobile payments will be huge for NFC, but it is a very limited use case, and there are a lot of other things that can be done with the technology.
Gartner analyst Avivah Litan predicts that NFC payments will hit the 10% threshold in 2015, compared to the process of SMS (texting) payments that is expected to represent 50% of mobile payment volume globally in that same year. So, mobile payments is a very slow-growing market for NFC, but there are a lot of other uses. Dion Hinchcliffe, chief strategy officer at Dachis Group, a social marketing software provider, notes the very easy option for NFC-enabled smartphones to take over in enterprise for ID badges.
As we've said before, there are also plenty of other uses, like public transport passes, advertising tags, paper ticket replacements, and more. At least some people in the industry are taking notice.
source: ComputerWorld
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