HTC's 2016 flagship — the HTC 10 — has been officially launched. No super-events, no streams, the phone just popped up on the company's website, together with the introduction video you can see above. Go ahead and check out the official news for the phone's launch to get all the info we have on the HTC 10!
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Preslav, a member of the PhoneArena team since 2014, is a mobile technology enthusiast with a penchant for integrating tech into his hobbies and work. Whether it's writing articles on an iPad Pro, recording band rehearsals with multiple phones, or exploring the potential of mobile gaming through services like GeForce Now and Steam Link, Preslav's approach is hands-on and innovative. His balanced perspective allows him to appreciate both Android and iOS ecosystems, focusing on performance, camera quality, and user experience over brand loyalty.
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