ARM CEO thinks Windows is more "familiar" than Android

As we learned yesterday from ARM's quarterly earnings call, the company is dominating the mobile space and has been seeing huge profits. What we didn't hear were some comments that ARM CEO Warren East made regarding consumer feelings towards Windows as compared to Android.
Apparently, the ARM CEO believes that consumers are more familiar with Microsoft and Windows than they are with Android, and it's hard to argue that point. East believes that this "awareness advantage" will help Microsoft as it pushes into the tablet market. That said, East doesn't think that we should count out Android tablets just yet, making a parallel to the slow burn of Android phones that has now ramped up into some huge sales numbers. It's kind of an odd split to similarly say the huge adoption of Android phones may also happen with Android tablets, while at the same time say that despite that huge adoption, users aren't as familiar with Android as they are with Windows.
It's no surprise that the ARM CEO is trying to be somewhat neutral, but it's hard to take his comments on Windows without a grain of salt. Sure, people are familiar with Microsoft and Windows, but familiarity isn't the same thing as really liking a product. Not to mention, Windows 8 is going to be a fair departure from past iterations of Windows with the addition of the Metro UI, so that will make the OS far less familiar, especially since Windows Phone hasn't seen a lot of uptake which would get users familiar with Metro.
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