A Google Glass app for shoppers fetches item reviews and performs price check on the spot

Here we are talking about smartphonesday in and day out, all the while Google has been pushing somethingof a hobby side project closer and closer to reality. We're, ofcourse, talking about Google Glass, a concept that may very wellchange the nature of how we use technology to interact witheverything around us. And while the possibilities that we've thoughtof so far sound awesome, it's worth noting that this entire 'thing'is still nascent, or said otherwise: we can't know when, how and if Glass and other similar products willget anywhere.
While seemingly aware of the above fact, Google is, nevertheless, probably the company best positioned totake this somewhere, givenits track record. This notion has been given some measure ofcredibility, for developers have been hot on the new platform, andtoday's story is no exception. So meet Crystal Shopper, an app thatlets you search for the best prices available for a given product,and also fetches Amazon ratings off the web. The app itself is designed to work in a ratherself-explanatory manner: you scan the barcode of a product thatyou're interested in, and voilà– theapp does the rest.
Ofcourse, Crystal Shopper is far from polished and actually seems kind oflaggy, and we also wouldn't say no to a more feature-rich experience.And while we aren't about to engage in prophesying, this particularapp, or the thinking behind it, really shows just how disruptiveGoogle's new platform couldprove to be.
That being said, make sure you go ahead and check what Crystal Shopper is all about right below.

via: VentureBeat
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