5 things Steve Jobs said Apple won't do

There is little doubt that the introduction of the original iPhone in 2007 spearheaded the mobile phone revolution that we are witnessing in real time. That soapy thingy was Steve Jobs' dream about carrying an always-connected Apple computer in your pocket at all times coming to fruition, and it apparently was exactly what users had been waiting for, judging from the winning crusade of smartphones around the globe.
The ability to access the world's information highway on a (relatively) large display, manipulating stuff with your fingers only, did resonate to consumers who always strive for their lives being made easier by technology. For all the visionary thinking that led to the iPhone revolution, Steve Jobs did have some pet ideas that he held a firm belief in, and was weary of doing away with them completely.
Apple has changed a lot since Tim Cook took over, though, and some of the ideas that Steve Jobs considered a blasphemy at one point, or not even worth discussing, are now a reality, or about to occur. Here are a few things he said won't happen regarding Apple's mobile devices, and they have a chance to, or already did.

Things that are NOT allowed: