5 impressive flagships from Asia that you've likely never heard of

If our fortnightly column on amazing, but rather obscure smartphones that hail from Asia wasn't a statement enough, then let us reiterate: we dig technology no matter whose hands saw it fit to assemble. For that reason precisely, we occasionally fixate our attention on what the rest of the world is doing, or said otherwise -- companies that are not necessarily part of the mainstream. History has seen upsets before, and its pages are littered with success stories where those from humble beginnings end up on top even after seemingly faced with insurmountable obstacles. But alas, we digress...
With everything going on in the industry, we think it prudent for you to make your acquaintance with a few very current, and very much flagship-material devices, hailing from companies and lands you're not accustomed to. Some of those may ring a faint bell, somewhere in the back of your head, but others will prove completely new, and that's the idea to start with. Are we saying these are the ones that are going to perform that heroic feat we talked about just moments ago? Not at all. But these are some pretty impressive products nevertheless, and ones that, some would say, are marking the beginning of a wider build-up, especially in such places as China. Take a look.
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